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Woman sitting cross-legged in yoga clothing, smiling. Weight loss service

What is integrative metabolic management for wellness?

     As an integrative medicine doctor, I am dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized solutions for individuals on their journey to optimal health. Recognizing that obesity is a complex and multifaceted condition, my approach goes beyond conventional methods.


I integrate evidence-based medical practices with lifestyle modifications, nutritional guidance, and mental well-being strategies to address the root causes of weight gain.

This is not a 'Quick-Fix' Diet Program

About Me

By understanding the unique needs and challenges of each patient, I develop tailored treatment plans that encompass sustainable lifestyle changes that speak to all facets of a person's body and mind. My goal is to get to the root cause of obesity and create lasting change to lose the weight and keep it off forever, while empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, promoting overall well-being.


Though weight loss itself is a wonderful reward, the benefits are far-reaching. Most patients have improvement and even resolution of co-morbid medical issues such as diabetes, hypertension and auto-immune disorders. The ultimate benefit is the quality of life and longevity benefits that can be obtained from reaching a healthy weight. 

Dr. Brennan Weber

Integrative Medicine Physician

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Tropical Leaves
Weight Mangement


I recommend a 2 hour initial visit to get an in-depth overview of your clinical picture and history. This can be done virtually, however, I recommend all consultations be done in-person if you live in the Minneapolis area. Labwork priced separately.



An athletic woman practicing yoga on a beach, weight loss physician
A woman sitting in the outdoors, obesity physician

Continuing Appointment

This is any visit after your initial consultation and can be in-person or virtual. Most patients choose weekly or twice monthly hour-long appointments. 




In order to create lasting and sustainable change, I encourage patients to plan to see me for at least 4 months. 

Aligned Health does not accept insurance and is strictly cash-pay, though patients are welcome to use their HSA and FSA accounts. I am also happy to provide you with a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company. I am generally classified as an 'out-of-network' physician. Additionally, I am currently unable to accept patients with medicare. 

Making the complicated simple

a dark grey squiggle that smooths out.

Will I need labwork done?

It is very important to start with baseline labs. Some of these are the usual labs that a primary care provider would order, such as a basic metabolic panel and A1C. However, there are a few more labs that aren't routinely drawn that are quite important to paint your entire metabolic picture such as fasting insulin and cortisol levels. You are welcome to ask your primary care provider for any of these labs. We can also bill your insurance, though there is a potential that not all labs would be covered. 

My Personal and Professional Journey

My passion for health started at an early age, and I was ecstatic to go to medical school and complete a residency training program in emergency medicine. When choosing the specialty of emergency medicine, I envisioned myself treating heart attacks, setting broken bones, managing traumatic injuries, etc. While that is part of the job, I was shocked to find that over 80% of the patients I was seeing was for management or complications due to their chronic medical issues such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, heart failure, hypertension, etc. It showed me not only how burdensome these issues are for our health but also on the healthcare system as a whole. I also came to realize that while we do a great job of treating acute medical issues, our medical structure for managing chronic disease is quite sub-par. Thinking back, I received one hour total of nutrition training in medical school, and we hardly touched on exercise and its benefits. There was also zero training on helpful supplements or complementary medicine practices. I couldn't believe that I hadn't been educated on lifestyle changes as I was primarily seeing exactly that-disease of lifestyle!


Meanwhile, as I was seeing these chronic medical issues on a daily basis, many of which I was unable to adequately help in the ER setting, I had been struggling with my own weight issues since puberty. I'd seen many dieticians and obesity physicians throughout the years and lost some weight here and there with diet and pharmaceutical help, but never managed to stick with the diet and the pharmaceutical effects were short-lived. I knew that both for the health of my patients and myself, I had to find answers that I wasn't taught in medical school. I enrolled in and completed an integrative medicine fellowship and it was life-changing, both in my personal and professional life. I lost 60 lbs without feeling miserable and I do feel like I've finally 'cracked the code' on sustainable, long-term weight loss. I am able to bring this success to my patients as well and it is an invigorating feeling knowing that I am making a difference in helping these patients lose the weight and keep it off. Though I am running a boutique weight management clinic, the benefits reach far beyond fitting into a smaller size of jeans; my patients are very often ameliorating their labwork, like decreasing their A1C's, lipid profiles, and CRP ( a measure of inflammation). It feels amazing to be able to work with everyone from the pre-diabetic college student that wants to prevent full-blown diabetes, to the grandmother that wants to lose enough weight to play with her grandchildren. Through a blend of conventional and complementary therapies, I aim to help patients take ownership of their health, lose weight and keep it off. This approach recognizes the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, aiming to treat the whole person rather than isolated symptoms.

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